Dec 7, 2008

The best rice money can buy!

Originally uploaded by texasmctexas
1,683 miles from Richvale,CA to Madison, WI. This is my favorite organic rice company and they are family owned.  


Doctor Who said...

What an interesting project.

I'd also be interested to see how much distance must be covered in the manufacturing process of a product. How many miles must be traversed for a tube of Burt's Bees lip balm? What about the cherry pie at Costco?

Think about the fuel costs, too. Gas isn't going to be $1.72 for much longer - seems we've all forgotten how in August we were paying $4.00 per gallon and re-thinking our dependence on trucked-in food. Now that winter is here and fresh stuff is hard to find, that conversation's nowhere to be heard.

Allison Grant said...

You know, I never pay attention to where dried or canned food comes from, only fresh food. You blog is going to make me look twice before I buy stuff next time.